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227 E Edgewood Dr
Friendswood, TX, 77546
United States

Jennifer James Sapaugh is a homeschooling mother of 5, singer/songwriter, and adoption advocate from Houston, Texas. is designed to better share and connect Jenn with other like-minded people in hopes of her crazy life adventures encouraging others in their crazy life adventures.

In Honor of Adoption Month:  How We Got Here {Sapaughs}


In Honor of Adoption Month: How We Got Here {Sapaughs}

Jennifer James

So, November is National Adoption month, and for many churches, today was Adoption Sunday. 

In honor of a month dedicated to such a life changing topic, I am gonna share some stories of some different people who have gone down the path of adoption. like a blog series, if you will.  (Is that a real thing?) 

The thing with choosing adoption, is that it is not technically natural. There are a list of broken elements in the world that even make it an option. Children without parents due to tragic death, neglect, abuse, addiction, or simply an incapacity to parent - it's broken. Those couples who can not naturally conceive carry with them heavy heartbreak and disappointment, something that wasn't an original part of this world before the fall of man.

But in God's good graces, there is adoption. A process that heals hurts and changes lives on both sides of the story, as we have the privilege to love like Christ has loved us.

You may feel distracted or intrigued by the idea of adoption, but just not sure what step would be next. I hope that the stories shared will encourage you, and remind you that at one point these adoptive parents weren't sure either. Everyone's adoption story has to start somewhere. That's what I want to share with you throughout the month of November - the spark that has led so many down the adoption road. It is totally different for everyone - and I think you will be encouraged and inspired by the different stories you read. Maybe your interest will turn into an adoption story one day too! To God be the glory!

First up: Us Sapaughs.

I had always thought adoption was a really great thing for those who could't conceive, just not for me. Starting at a young age when I began planning my wedding and future life, I always just knew I would have like 6 kids of my own  - my mom was a baby machine, surely I would be too.... 

As much as that has been true in the sense that we have been very blessed with multiple healthy pregnancies and babies, in about 2006 God really began to soften my heart towards this idea of adoption.

We had several friends who had begun international adoption processes, and I always thought that was great, but it wasn't until my attention was drawn to a children's home in Galveston, just 30 or so minutes from our house, where kids had no parents, no families, no "normal" like I knew it that my perspective began to change.

I had heard a story of a lady taking in children from this home; in particular a child that  had been abused and was withdrawn and behind in lots of ways, and I heard of how much progress the child had made once she was shown consistent love and security......taken to regular doctors appointments.... basic things; the child went from not thriving to thriving just because of love & attention!

Simultaneously to me hearing these stories of the orphanage, My husband Kyle, was getting church emails circulating about babies or children that needed a home and did anyone know anyone interested in taking them in.

Children that didn't have a safe loving environment? A baby that wasn't wanted? WHAT?! This blew our minds. What made this extra real for us was the fact that we had a sweet 3 yr old at the time, and she was so loved and so secure and so safe. When I would hear the stories and look at her, aware that these kids exist, not just thousands of miles away across the sea, but literally right down the road -- it made my stomach hurt. We knew then that God was changing our hearts. 

We had no idea that within a year of God prepping our hearts, that we would be parenting a 17 year older version of many of the kids we had heard stories about. We would have NEVER had that in our plan for ourselves - but isn't that how God does things?? The surprises He has for us along the way, the things we couldn't possibly plan for ourselves, even the really hard things that he calls us to - they are good and all for His glory and we end up not being able to imagine our lives without them.

We are currently praying and waiting to see what the next addition to our family will be via the foster to adopt process with CPS. We are excited to still be following in the path that God started us on some 8 or 9 years ago. It has truly changed our life (and our kid's life) in a real, raw, stretching, not always easy, but "oh so good" kind of way.

That's how we got here.