Born and raised in the Houston area by two of the best people around, from an early age I had 2 dreams - to be a singer and a mom. I so love now that those weren't just childish dreams, but things I still love and am so blessed to get to do.
At a small private school in the fall of 1997, my freshman year of HS, I first met the skinny, redheaded quarterback that I would go on to call my husband. We dated all throughout high school (minus the summers...don't ask) And went on to get married at age 19, only 10 months after we graduated. And so our crazy journey began.
As the oldest of 7, I was accustomed to the big family chaos & that was kind of understood that Kyle and I would want our own big family in time. That time was sooner than later as we had Tanner, our first daughter, 2 years after we were married and days after our 21st birthdays.
In the break between Tanner and our next pregnancy, God really began to open our eyes and hearts towards adoption. It is always amazing to look back and see how God prepared each step of the way for what was about to be the biggest decision of our life. It was June of 2007, I was 4 months pregnant with our 2nd daughter, Presley, when we had the unique opportunity to take in and adopt a 17 year old girl. Big decision - really, HUGE decision. We were 24 years old and in way over our heads - but we knew it is what we were supposed to do. And so, there is Dawn, our grown, adopted daughter.
After we got Dawn, there seemed to be a season of rapid fire, daughter adding to our little Sapaugh family. Presley was born in November 2007. Andie was born in June 2009. And Madden came in June of 2011.
Also during this time, we opened (and closed) a few restaurants - that story needs it's own made for TV movie, I swear! We have worked on church staffs, suffered great tragic loss in our family, released albums, started foster care classes, and more.
It is and has been a very busy and full journey to date. And with the newest addition of a son-n-law and a granddaughter on the way.........(yes! you read that right - we are gonna be grandparents!!)
I only expect more crazy fun to come. God is good.