Anyways, I realized what it was & had to break from the reading to tell Madden - "Either take the tap shoes off til we are done or sit down!!" I tried to regather everyone's focus and jump back in. Only to be interrupted by Madden yelling my "Look Mom!! Look!! (x15) I finally looked at her and said "WHAT??!" (in a very patient mommy voice....or nothing like that at all) She responded by trying to show me how softly she can walk in the tap shoes to make less noise. Still interrupting; still wasting my time.
I literally just needed to read a couple of pages - and I felt like I may die trying to get it done.
Regular School Perk: Kids don't have access to tap shoes while their teacher is reading the History lesson.
This is a very real picture of homeschooling when you have littles. Those 2's & 3's are kind of a wild card when you are needing to focus some attention on bigger kids. I find it to be the hardest part. In fact, in order to be able to dedicate time to the big kids with a little break from the 3 year old craziness - Madden is actually going to be going to a 2 day a week Mother's Day Out this year! (Praise Him!)
When homeschooling with younger kids, the dynamic and schedule change every year. If you have a new baby, if you have a good afternoon napper, God forbid - when someone drops a nap - you work around the better times in your day with your kids. Now that Andie is in Kindergarten, this is my first year to be full on teaching 3 kids. So, even though I am 5 years into this madness - this year is new to me!