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227 E Edgewood Dr
Friendswood, TX, 77546
United States

Jennifer James Sapaugh is a homeschooling mother of 5, singer/songwriter, and adoption advocate from Houston, Texas. is designed to better share and connect Jenn with other like-minded people in hopes of her crazy life adventures encouraging others in their crazy life adventures.


First time for everything: Disney emcee addition

Jennifer James

So, the girls and I (and our sweet sitter, Elizabeth) arrived in Orlando via Spirit Airline (which is a whole other story....interesting concept: cheap flights with absolutely no perks....except the cheap flights) And so the crazy began.

We had just enough time to get settled in the room before I had to transform from traveling mom  with kids to presentable "host-like" material. (lots of black clothing and make up is always my best bet)

Kyle and I head to the Magic Kingdom to scope out where I will be for the evening and what the plan is. Turns out the Talent Spotlight stage is in The Diamond Horseshoe (in Frontierland, if  you are a Disney person) There was to be a variety of bands & artists performing 15-20 min sets, starting at 7:30pm and ending at 12:15am! Almost 5 hours y'all! My feet were screaming at the end of each night!! (I was so glad I had brought flip flops to trade in for the wedges at the close of the night!) 

I ended up NOT having a co-host, which meant every transition was relying on my words alone - no pressure, right? But really, as far as my awkward level - I don't think I was that bad......or maybe everyone was just too nice to say so! Or, maybe my mom job that has me talking constantly to people who are more than likely not listening, really paid off on this. Ha. 

Along with a variety of many talented artists performing, I also got to meet and hang with some very cool Disney people that were working the event. And since I was the one with the mic, both nights I got the opportunity to share a bit about adoption & to encourage people to check out how they could be involved with orphan care, which was great! I also got to perform a few songs my self. 

Not sure I will be asked to emcee any other events in the near future, but being a part of Night Of Joy was a great honor. Rain, sore feet, & no co-host in all - it was a GREAT experience with some GREAT people! (and all at Disney too which is always cool!) 

A little sap for your Wednesday morning

Jennifer James

So, Kyle is out of town. It's only been a couple days - not the end of the world, I know, but - we miss him. (Which is a sweet thing!) You know if you are married, there are seasons when a couple days apart can be like an early Christmas gift & there is not so much "missing" going on, and Lord knows we have those seasons, but this is not one of them, and I really miss my guy. 

I have also been extra reflective on the days lately and was recently struck with the reality that the days of having 3 little crazy toddler-ish girls running around is....over. Just 3 years ago, Presley was 3 1/2, Andie was 2, and my arms were holding a newborn Madden. That was a lot, and it is still a lot, but every day that passes they are getting bigger, more and more independent, and less and less little kid-ish. This makes me sad. It makes me wish I could better remember the days of them all having the chubby baby cheeks and saying so many words wrong (long as the days were) Poor Madden gets the brunt of all these mom emotions as I, even this morning, held her down and kissed and squeezed her awkwardly. (I know it is probably not enjoyable to her, but I just have to have an outlet!)

It also makes me think of today. It makes me grateful for all my people - for all my chaos. It makes me think of Dawn and the sweet life growing inside of her and this special season for her and how I don't want to miss a thing as she experiences the joyous miracle of becoming a mother; she has looked forward to this time for so long! And Tanner, who is so old these days that it makes my stomach hurt; and all the never ending body changing talks we are having to have right now and how excited she is to experience what is next in this whole adolescence thing. (sweet girl doesn't get that it is not that fun) For Presley, who lost her front 2 teeth and simultaneously started talking about 100 words a minute....with a slight lisp. I want to soak her in. I want to soak them all in. Andie, who is so unique and funny - truly one of a kind and Madden, who severely needs some "baby of the family" breaking.....they won't always be who they are today - and I don't want to miss them; the good, the bad, & the ugly.  I don't want to be anywhere else. I know too well the days, even in the recent past, are gone! I want to cherish and enjoy today with these gifts that God has given me.

Join me today. Soak in your people. Whether they are super charming, super awkward or super challenging at the moment - eat 'em up today. Today is a gift that won't last.

And now to go wash my face so I don't look like the crazy emotional lady at the dance studio.


Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Countdown to Disney + My Hosting Debut.

Jennifer James

We have officially begun our Disney countdown! Kyle left super duper early this morning for a Youth Leaders Conference he is putting on out there, but me and the girls will be flying out to meet him on Friday!  

That puts us at 4 days til Disney! 

This will be our first trip without a nursing baby or a baby in general (and let me tell you, there is nothing more fun than nursing a baby & changing diapers in the sweltering heat in TomorrowLand) All in all, we have a lot of hopes for this trip - could it possibly me the most enjoyable Disney trip to date?

Let's be honest, we still pack alot of crazy with us - and we know that, but maybe, just maybe - this could be the best kid trip yet?!?! (After the way M acted at dinner tonight, I'm second guessing my high hopes. But we'll see!)

Our last family Disney trip, almost exactly 2 years ago!

Our last family Disney trip, almost exactly 2 years ago!

But before diving in to the magic and fun, I will be debuting as a host for a portion of Disney's "Night of Joy" event at Magic Kingdom. I am filling in for my lovely sis-n-law, who will stay home with her brand new sweet baby. And while I can't decide if this is a cool opportunity for me or a trainwreck in the making, I am excited nonetheless.

Many of you know, I am pretty much a dork in every way (being a parent has a special way of doing that to you) I have been known to "shoot the guns" from stage and even "raise the roof"; I doubt that is the kind of "cool" that Disney is looking for in this host position, but I am gonna try - really hard. I have already begun narrowing down my "non-mom" looking outfits & have been mentally going over the phrases that my friends and family have put on my "banned list", ie. No way, Jose! , Booya, and Super Duper (as has already been used in this post). 

Regardless of my performance on Friday night, I will have the opportunity to make improvements on Saturday night -  as this event is a double header with back to back fun. (Or for me that could mean DOUBLE the awkwardness - here's to hoping not)

I'll be sure to take pictures and give you an update, so long as you say a prayer for me to not completely "homeschool // mom of 5" it up too much. 

Stay Tuned!!!!